3 Surprising Foods That Are Ruining Your Joint Health
These common foods are wreaking havoc on your joints… here’s what to swap them out with.

When you’re trying to soothe stiff joints and fend off conditions like arthritis, the old saying “you are what you eat” rings especially true.
Certain foods cause inflammation and contribute to the breakdown of cartilage. And these joint-busting foods are so commonly consumed that they’re probably sitting in your kitchen right now.
Things like juice, lunch meat, and artificial sweeteners may all be contributing to your joint discomfort.
But don’t worry, there are lots of healthy alternatives out there. Here's just a few of them...
Lunch Meat
Processed meats, such as the sliced deli turkey, are sneaky culprits behind increased joint discomfort. They contain more advanced glycation end products (AGEs) than most other meat. AGEs have been linked to inflammation, which in turn can cause some seriously stiff and achy joints.1
Eat Real Chicken Breast Instead
The next time you’re making yourself a sandwich, try using thinly sliced grilled chicken breast. It’s a great source of lean, healthy protein, and you can even grill up a few chicken breasts to use throughout the week.
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Juice — specifically the concentrated juice that you can find at stores across the U.S. — is essentially liquid sugar. And processed sugar is one of the worst possible things for joint health. Just like processed meat, sugar has AGEs, which wreak havoc on your joint health.
Drink Green Tea Instead
Drinking green tea instead of juice will decrease your sugar intake and improve your joint health. One study found that green tea contains a type of antioxidant that can help improve arthritis-related immune responses and can help ease some inflammation.2
Vegetable Oil
Even something as small as a tablespoon of vegetable oil or sunflower oil can increase joint discomfort. These kinds of oils have an excessive amount of omega-6 fatty acids. Now, you do need omega-6 fatty acids, but when you consume too much of it, this can trigger your body to produce pro-inflammatory chemicals.
Instead Try Olive Oil Or Avocado Oil
The next time you're cooking, reach for a bottle of omega-3 rich olive oil or avocado oil. The omega-3 fatty acids found in these two oils can actually help soothe achy joints.3 They also have many other benefits, such as improved heart health.
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