My Unexpected Journey Back To Joint Health
How I went from skeptic to believer in 15 days.

It started with a small irritating pain on the bottom of my right foot, near my toes, this sharp, stabbing little pain that shot through my foot like an arrow every time I stepped down. This mystery “arrow” would get better and then worse again, but never completely went away, so I finally took a deep breath and made an appointment to see my doctor.
After months of testing, poking, and prodding, “You have severe rheumatoid arthritis,” was certainly not what I expected to hear. I tried my best to stay positive, of course, but I also knew that living with this diagnosis would become a huge part of my life story.
10 Years Searching For A Solution
It’s been nearly 10 years now. Things that most people take for granted; sleeping, bathing, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, making meals, and even driving a car are extremely challenging for me. I’ve been on so many different medications that I can no longer count them on my RA-deformed fingers, all backed by a promise to heal this and aid that, but the reality is I still deal with pain on a daily basis.
As a self-proclaimed internet M.D., scouring medical journals and reading scientific research on the newest joint relief studies is my idea of a fun night. I have mentally filed away all there is to know about glucosamine, chondroitin, turmeric, hyaluronic acid, boswellia serrata, collagen, and the list goes on and on and on. As you can probably guess, I’ve tried them all.
When glucosamine and chondroitin were the popular joint supplement of the day, I took 1700 mg a day of it, that meant two horse pills, three times a day, for four months. 720 ginormous pills later, I was still in pain. I just recently saw a report by the Arthritis Foundation stating that even after taking the stuff for six months, most people only saw about eight to ten percent improvement in pain. Sounds about right.
I also took this other joint formula with turmeric, because everyone’s talking about how awesome it is. Well, here’s the thing I learned about turmeric, a bit too late; just because you pop a little orange-tinted pill doesn’t mean it will actually work the way they say it will. There are a ton of studies out now that prove our bodies don’t even absorb those generic turmeric supplements. It passes straight through and out, basically more money down the drain, literally.
My Journey From Hurting To Happy
So, when I saw the video online about 1MD’s free trial for a new joint supplement called EasyFlex, I didn’t get too excited, but always the optimist, I was compelled, once again, by the hope that maybe I could finally get some relief. I ordered the 15-day sample and thought, “It never hurts to try.”
To be honest, in the first week or so, I didn’t really feel much different. Sure, I probably got up out of bed a few minutes quicker and my body seemed a bit less achy, but it was hard to tell if it was actually the supplement or just the fact that the humidity was low, but I promised myself I would see the trial through to the end, so I continued.
Week two came without much fanfare, but by the end of that week, I began to notice my grip on my morning cup of joe was stronger and not so painful. I can’t tell you how many times, in the last decade or so, I have dropped almost full mugs of piping hot coffee on my lap, so yeah I celebrated that small, but awesome victory that I wouldn’t unwittingly give myself first degree burns anytime soon.
As the free trial came to a close, I opted to stay in the monthly subscription program because I had never before experienced such noticeable improvement in such a short amount of time, and I’m so glad I did. 30 days in those sharp, stabbing pains I had been dealing with for almost ten years were gone. I was folding the laundry by myself and cooking dinner, but most importantly, I was the happiest I have been in years.
It’s now been a little over three months since I began taking Easyflex and words fail me now. I find it hard to describe how grateful I am to have happened upon that video, while I was mindlessly scrolling through my feed. I want to run through the streets (which I can now do with almost zero pain) telling everyone, “You have to try this stuff!”
How EasyFlex Stands Out In a Sea of Joint Supplements
I’m a believer again. I believe that I might just be able to feel normal again, that it’s possible to go to bed, get a good night’s sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed and hopeful, again. EasyFlex has given me back that hope and my freedom.
For all the other internet M.D.’s reading, let’s dive into the formula. What struck me most about EasyFlex’s three ingredients (yes, there are only three) is that they are all patented and backed by a ton of clinical data. And not only are these three ingredients backed by science, 1MD put their recommended clinical dose in each serving, so the results the researchers got are the same results that I experienced.
Here’s a brief rundown of the ingredients list: First is patented Longvida® Optimized Curcumin, which was found in multiple clinical trials to be 285 times more absorbable than the generic stuff. Then, there’s WokVel®’s patented Boswellia Serrata Extract which was clinically tested against a popular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) and proven to last four times longer than the NSAID, and last, but not least, UC-II® patented collagen with undenatured type ll collagen, which is clinical proven to be twice as effective as glucosamine and chondroitin combined.
I had no idea that in just 15 days, this once-a-day joint supplement could make me feel dramatically different and I certainly didn’t believe that three months later I’d be here, telling you emphatically that now it’s your turn, but here I am saying, “You gotta try this stuff!!” Seriously.
Head over to 1MD’s website to see if you qualify for their 15-day free trial (yep, it’s really free, you just pay $4.95 for the shipping) and I can’t wait to hear what EasyFlex did for you.
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